The Journal…

I went to my therapist last Friday,  I told her I had started a blog about me and “My Babbling Thoughts”; she said that if it helps me to vent out my feelings in a safe way that it was fine, and along with that advice she said also to start writing a journal

I asked her why, she said, that a journal was more personal… And that It was going to help me more.

She also said that I should write every day…  That this was private and that she was not going to read.

It has been 3 days after our last session and I still have not started to write in my journal.

I keep wondering, what will I write in it?  Why is it so easy for me to write here online easier than on a paper journal?  Why do I overthink this so much?

So many questions…

And yet the only thing I have written in my journal is Property of _____ Keep your hands off! 

If it was your journal, what and how would you start? 

Share your thoughts below.

Hey! Thanks and welcome to my new followers and readers!

3 thoughts on “The Journal…

  1. I used to journal when I was younger, and I still journal in a fashion – but write it as a letter to someone close to me, that I would tell everything to anyway. (namely my twin flame, a letter they’ll never see) Journalling can be hard for someone who doesn’t know how to express their thoughts, at least that’s what I found. My advice, just start typing/writing.Don’t think about it, just start writing and don’t stop. Write as you talk, no one else is going to see it but you. Write what your mind is telling you – it’s a great way to see your own habits, your own self sabotage, your own inner critic – it’s also a place to find your inner child, and talk to it… and also a great way for your inner child to express itself.
    Good luck and much love.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi! Thanks for replying! I found it hard to focus on one specific thought. I am constantly changing my mind. 🤯 It’s why I have been starting at it for 3 days. But I will try to do what you said, Thank you again 🙂


  2. Pingback: The Journal (Part 2) – My Babbling Thoughts

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